Bright Colorfull Fall Paintings : Phil Laughlin

Fine Arts In Gold

Winding lane in autumn colors

Crooked Lane 22 in x 28 in - 2015

Camels Hump access road in late fall

Hump Day 1 22 in x 28 in - 2019

Vibrant fall colors along the forest edge

Lush Autumn at the Red Mill 22 in x 28 in - 2023

Haybails scattered across field

Roll by Roll 22 in x 28 in - 2019

Distant view of Camels Hump

Hump Day 2 22 in x 28 in - 2019

Maples against mountain view

Radiant Gold 22 in x 28 in - 2018

Colorful Paintings

No other time of year offers up the brilliance of autumn. The dull heavy greens and deep shadows of late summer give way to the radiant grand finale of the seasons. A yearly colorburst energizes the landscape. What could be more inspirational for a landscape painter. It's the opportunity all artists yearn for, to use colors bright and bold, full strength from the tube in an oil painting

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Copyright to all artwork that appears on this site is the property of the artist. All rights reserved.
Phillip C. Laughlin, 222 McJay Drive, Williston, Vermont 05495.