Winter Scenes : Phil Laughlin

Winter Whites Make Colorful Paintings

McKay farm in dazling winter sunlight

New Barn24 in x 30 in - 2018

Round haybails ready for cows

Cold Lunch20 in x 30 in - 2014

Imposing view of Mount Mansfield

Mighty Mansfield22 in x 28 in - 2022

Winooski River partial iced over in January

Looking Down River22 in x 28 in - 2017

Winooski River warming in spring

Ice Out22 in x 28 in - 2017

View from Williston of barns with Mansfield in distance

Mansfield Emerging18 in x 36 in - 2015

Distant view of frosty winter barnyard

Isham Farm Trail22 in x 28 in - 2020

Not Just White

Winter in Vermont is one of my favorite seasons to paint. Though, at a hasty glance, much of it may look like plain white it's actually much more than that. Technically, white is a balance of all colors combined but in the wintery landscape they are many forces at work that break it down into it's components. Snow captures and amplifies the light, against the brilliance of which, everything else darkens to produce bold and dramatic compositions.

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Copyright to all artwork that appears on this site is the property of the artist. All rights reserved.
Phillip C. Laughlin, 222 McJay Drive, Williston, Vermont 05495.